Generally, solar radiation is converted to "photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)" for use in algal growth calculations by multiplying the solar radiation by a factor in the range 0.4 to 0.5.
Solar radiation is used in the model to calculate F(I) = I/Is exp(-I/Is + 1)
I = solar radiation
Is = light saturation intensity (solar rad which provides maximum algal growth)
Is is represented by the variable ASAT in W2
If Is is as PAR, then Is is generally in the range 100-400 Ly/day. In terms of units W/m^2 this would equal about 50 -200 W/m^2 (1 W/m^2 = 2.065 Ly/day)
However, I can't find anyplace in the code where a conversion is performed from solar radiation to PAR. If this conversion is not done by the code, then the Is to input to the model as ASAT should be in the range of 100 - 400 W/m^2 for a PAR factor of 0.5 or 125 - 500 W/m^2 for a PAR factor of 0.4. Note that the "default" value for ASAT is 75 W/m^2. This would appear to be outside of the range of appropriate values if no conversion from solar radiation to PAR is performed by the model.
Can anyone tell me whether PAR is explicitly calculated in the code and what the appropriate range for ASAT should be.
Jim Bloom, Oregon DEQ