I resolved the file reading issue (with Rob's help). The model appeared to read the TDH and CDH properly, but the preprocessor would produce errors. Come to find out, the CDH and TDH had a blank line on the end and the preprocessor read jday as 0.0 and produced error messages.
The model is running with only temperature and TDS (salinity) as active constituents. The highest input concentration for salinity is 37 ppt for the downstream boundary. The upstream boundary has "freshish" water with 5 ppt tds. The less dense upstream water stays near the top with calculated TDS of 10 to 15 ppt. The bottom layer increases to as much as 51 ppt. Concentrations in the layers just above the bottom also increase, but not as much (39-41 ppt). The layers are 1 meter in thickness.
According to the manual, salinity is conservative, therefore I am perplexed as to why the increase. I looked through the CON file to see if there were any sediment releases that could potentially increase the TDS and set to 0.0 for nutrients and CO2. I tried smaller time steps as well. Does it sound like it could be a numerical issue or a flag/coefficient/rate not set properly?
mass balance
mass balance
Salinity in kg/m3
salinity increase