i hava organic phosphorus and organic nitrogen and i havnt "LPOM,LDOM,RDOM,RPOM".how do i estimate these parameters from available data?
please guide me[addsig]
You have to assume some stoichiometric equivalence (use the defaults in the control file) between organic matter and P and N. You can then calculate what to total organic matter is based on your measurements of TOP and TON. You will then have to decide how to break this up into particulate and dissolved, unless you have DOP, POP, DON, and PON measurements. How you break this up into labile and refractory will require your best guess as to what is the split between the two.[addsig]
If I have LDOM_N/P,RDOM_N/P,LPOM_N/P, and RPOM_N/P in the boundary condition files in addition to the total L/R and P/D OM pools (12 fields) will there be double accounting?
Is it required to turn ON the P and N organic matter parameters for the tributaries input files if I am using constant stoichiometry and it is based on the default values in my w2_con.npt file?
Thank you,
Total OM pools + OM_N & OM_P pools (double accounting?)
double counting
Organic matter with constant stoichiometry