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What temperature is returned in TSR output files

The manual (page C-113 "Time Series Plot (TSR PLOT)" ) reports that the time series output contains "Julian date, timestep, water surface elevation, temperature, flow rate (vertically integrated segment flow rate at the specified model segment), .......[and much more]." What temperature is this? Is it surface? . . . . . I am hoping that it is volume weighted average temperature over the entire segment. If this is not the case by default, is it a configurable change? Any other suggestions for the most efficient way of extracting this parameter? Thanks, Adam

In "TSR PLOT" you have to select which segment and at which depth you want the output. It is all in your hands. If you need the vertical temperature profiles you have to use the "SNP PRINT" and before that in "HYD PRIN" turn the temperature (T) to "ON". In the "SNP PRINT" you can choose segments and time resolution you want for the output.

Sounds like there isn't a way to get only the information I need out of the model, then. The TSR plot, spr, and snp all offer ways of getting temperatures at particular cells. I only need average temperature at the segment (volume weighted) but I need it for all segments, every hour for several months. I can parse spr files along with the bth files to get that, but the intervening files sizes are huge, and the processing is not fast. Oh well.