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Zero values in snp file

Hello. I'm currently modeling a three connected reservoirs. The constituents I'm modeling are TDS, 5 generic cons, suspended solids, iron, LDOM, RDOM, LPOM, RPOM, CBOD, algae, dissolved oxygen, inorganic carbon and alkalinity. I have no errors or warnings in the preprocessor, but when I run the model and I check the snapshot file, zero values are printed for all water bodies in LDOM, RDOM, LPOM, RPOM and dissolved oxygen. I input cin for all branches and inicial concentrations in the control file....any suggestions why is that happening? Appreciate your answer!!!!! Thank you.

Hi Alma Are you getting values for the other parameters like hydrodynamics parameters(e.g temperature) , nitrate or ammonium? if No, maybe the "SNP DATE" and "SNP FREQ" are not defined correctly. If yes then, are the parameters you mentioned are "ON" in "CST ACTIVE" section? What about in "CIN CON" ? If yes, turn the " TSR PLOT" to "ON" to see if the model reads the input correctly.

Hi, I included phosphate, nitrate and ammonium but I got the same problem. In the pre.opt file it seems like the model reads the inpunt values and cin_brach data, but in the snp.opt shows all the values for the segments that I definied except for phosphate, ammonium, nitrate LDOM, LPOM and oxygen. I reviewed all the suggeestions you told me but I had no success. How can I know if I'm not defining correctrly the SNP DATE and SNP FREQ? please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you

First let me ask what do you mean by "zero values are printed ". Do you mean there are outputs that their values are zero or nothing is generated for the output? If there is nothing generated for the water quality parameters in snp file then probably one of these are "OFF" . First check if "CST COMP" is "ON". I already mentioned the other two sections "CST ACTIVE" and "CIN CON". Another important thing, that I already asked earlier, is about hydrodynamics. Did you get any temperature values in your snp file. It is very important for seeing if the model is working correctly. Also check the time series file. In the pre.opt you can only see which file is assigned for constituents input (cin_branch) but if the values are read correctly by model you have to check in " TSR PLOT" .