im trying to model "po4'&"no3" .i want to know
it is feasible for me that i simulate "po4" &"No3" whereas, i have no informaon about
algea and sediment.and i have "N03"&"PO4" datas.please guide me
You can try to simulate PO4 and NO3, but you will have to keep in mind that the lack of the ability to compare model algal concentrations will make it difficult to know if you are reproducing the observed PO4 and NO3 levels for the "right" reasons.
That said, you will need to turn on at least one algal group, or, better yet, try to get some type of information on algal dynamics of a similar system that has algal data and include the dominant algal types for your region. If, for instance, your system is in the north temperat region, then you should include three algal groups with temperature rate multipliers and light half-saturation constants representative of the three groups. You also need to include labile and refractory DOM and POM and dissolved oxygen in the simulation. Then see if the algae behave qualitatively with known behavior for systems in your region.
Again, you have to be very careful drawing conclusions from the model. Hope this helps.[addsig]