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WSC has no impact

First of all thank you Chris for your very helpful comments! I realized that my model needs more revision than I expected. Restarting the calibration from the beginning, I am now facing the problem that changes in the wsc.npt file do not have ANY effect on water surface temperature (which is 10° above measured values). I checked file names and file format. Karoline

Hi Karoline, What are the wind speeds, and what are values for WSC that you are using? The first thing I'd do is make sure that the model is reading the met file correctly. The model screen output shows the met parameters. Another place to look is the snapshot file output, which summarizes model inputs at specified frequency. Also, what is the residence time of the system? If it is very short, then it's possible that met forcing might not have much of an impact on temperatures. chris

Hi Chris, thank you for the quick reply. Apparently the model is not reading the wind speed. The screen output shows "wind speed = 0.00 m/s" all the time and in the snap shot output wind speed is not listed. However, PHI and CLOUD is read properly. Solar radiation is included in the met file, but switched OFF in the control panel. The residence time of the system is 140 days, so met should have an influence. It is a huge lake of 780 km^2. I cannot figure out, why the wind speed is not read, to me the format looks ok (colums have F8.0 format) met file abstract: comments comments JDAY TAIR TDEW WIND PHI CLOUD SRO 0001 01.40 -03.0 01.08 2.254 0 172.15 0002 03.60 -02.0 01.33 3.025 0 172.61 0003 06.00 -02.0 03.14 3.780 0 173.15 0004 07.90 -02.0 02.53 3.922 0 173.77

Hi Karoline, It'd probably be best to remove the zero's in front of the numbers, and include decimals for the JDAY and Cloud cover. For instance, Julian day 1 would be 1.0 and when cloud cover is zero then '0.0' would be in the cloud cover field. Not using a decimal point is ok, but the number has to be up against right edge of the 8 column field. I've found it easier just to always use a decimal point when inputting a real number. Also, make sure that there are not any tabs in the input file. If there are, replace them with spaces. Hope this helps, chris

Hi Chris, thanks again for helping. I completely rebuilt the met file: removed zero's in front of numbers, included decimals, made sure to have 8 column fiels and that there is nothing but spaces between numbers. Wind speed is not read by the model although all other columns are read properly. I tried another editor, too. AND I tried the DeGray Reservoir example met file as input in my model and wind speed was not read. So I doubt that file format is the reason. Can reading the wind speed be switched OFF somewhere in the model? JDAY TAIR TDEW WIND PHI CLOUD SRO 1.0 1.4 -3.0 1.08 2.254 0.0 172.15 2.0 3.6 -2.0 1.33 3.025 0.0 172.61 3.0 6.0 -2.0 3.14 3.780 0.0 173.15 4.0 7.9 -2.0 2.53 3.922 0.0 173.77 5.0 8.4 -1.0 1.08 2.726 0.0 174.45

Hi Karoline, The parameter WINDC in the control file will do this if it is set to 'OFF'. Make sure it is 'ON' chris

.. ok, that was the reason. Sorry for that stupid mistake - I was pretty sure I switched WINDC 'ON' before.... Thanks again for helping patiently! Karoline