I can not get the model to read in my light extiction file (ext.npt). I have set EXC and EXIC to ON, but it continues to use the parameters in the control file. Any ideas on what I should do?
It should be working. I'd make sure that the 'ON' settings for EXC and EXIC in the control file are aligned correctly (against the right margin of the input field), and that there are no tabs hidden in the blank space of that line.
My hypolimnion is getting much too warm during the time of the year when the reservoir is stratified. Since there is little to no inflow during this time, it appears that there is too much vertical heat transfer from the epilimnion. I have tried varying many parameters, but the only thing that helps is to adjust the light extinction coefficient. Unfortunately when I do this it then makes the eplimnion too shallow. Is there anything else I can do?
Thank you!
light extinction file
light extinction file
Surface Heat Transfer to Hypolimnion