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Lowhead dam simulation with W2 model

Hi, I am applying the W2 model to a river system that has several lowhead dams. Wondering what would be the proper way to implement/simulate these lowhead dams in the W2 model, and what kinda information about these lowhead dam will be needed. Any idea/suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks, Kathy

Hi Kathy, You could simulate a low head dam using the spillway, gate, or structural withdrawal feature in W2. If you have outflow data and want to specify the flow out of the dam using an input file, the structural withdrawal feature would likely be the best option. You'd also need to know the outlet elevations and the type of outlet (line or point sink). Another option would be to just allow the model to calculate flow internally through a spillway or gate. This makes the water balance for the reservoir much simpler. The user needs to specify the weir or gate equation coefficients and the model calculates the head upstream and downstream internally to predict the flow rate. chris

Hi, Chris. Since I don't have outflow data, I will go for the other option and simulate it using spillway. Thanks for the suggestions! Kathy