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Compiling V3.71 on CentOS release 6.3

Hi I've compiled version 3.71 on Linux (CentOS release 6.3) by using treats in posts : and Since there were many adjustments to the code, I put the files and instruction to compile them on the following dropbox link:

thanks for posting this. I was wondering if running CE-QUAL-W2 under CentOS runs without popping up the GUI window, which would make the work I am trying to do easier.

Thanks so much for posting this dropbox link, I was able to tweek a few things in the build script and fix a couple issues in my control files, and bam I am running from the command line on MacOSX. Would it be a terrible idea to post this build source up on github ?

Amir, Could you share the compiling instruction again. The dropbox link is not working. Thanks