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Hello, I am new to Ce-Qual and keep encountering a sever error when running the preprocessor: forrtl: severe (408): fort: (3): Subscript #1 of the array KB has value 0 which is less that the lower bound of 1. Any suggestions?

Adwoa, KB is the variable name for the bottom-most active layer in a segment. First - if you haven't already - check your bathymetry file(s) and make sure that none of the active segments have zero widths for all layers. chris

Chris, All the active segments have non-zero widths for at least a portion of their layers. Adwoa

Adwoa, It's ok if the bathymetry has zero widths for some (or most) of the layers in an active segment, just as long as they are not all zero. Another item to check is the set-up of the 'BRANCH G' card in the control file, and that there are an adequate number of inactive segments between branches. chris

I'm having the exact same problem. Did you ever figure out a solution?