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where can I found Compaq Array Viewer Version 1.6

Hi, where can i found a demo of Compaq Array Viewer Version 1.6 , the link on the website can reach nothing, whether some one can provide a demo of Array Viewer to me? thanks my email is

this might work:,1701,7038,00.html

ravery: itis a good day that I get the information, now our work can continue. thanks a lot. pwb

Thank you for submitting the link. I have updated the Model website to reflect this new address.

Is there a version of the executable that does not require the installation of the Array Viewer? I thought I saw something about this but in my last download the only executable was the w2_cvf.exe. Often it is nice to not have to have anything installed in order to run these models. Thanks

step 1 : use the control panel of V3.2(or v3.1) step 2: use the w2_cvf.exe V3.1 and you can get the simulation results in the sreen. pwb