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Formatting Input files

What is the best way to tranfer input data (e.g., meteorology data) from excel to the fortran format used by CE-Qual-W2. For small sets of data I have been simply typing in the new data into the an existing input file. But for large data sets, what general steps do you recommend as an approach for transforming excel data to the proper tab delimited data format used by Ce-QUAL? Thanks, Jon[addsig]

Jon, Make certain that the column widths are set to 8 and that the data are right justified. Then save the spreadsheet as "Formatted Text (space delimited) (*.prn)" under the "file" and "save as" option. The headers (such as JDAY, TAIR, TDEW, etc.) will normally be off by one column, but the data are always compatible with the F8.0 input format. Tom[addsig]