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Generic Constituent (Tracer) Always Zero

I have a model with a single generic constituent, with an initial concentration = 10000.0 in each water body, and all kinetic coefficients set to 0.000, for the purpose of evaluating a conservative tracer. However, in my output files (TSR plots), the tracer column is always equal to zero. The constituent is set to active in the "CST ACTIVE" block, and"CST PRIN" is set to ON for all water bodies. No other consituents are active. All hydrodynamic variables output in the tsr files, and the hydrodynamics is well calibrated versus observed data. Any suggestions?

First, make certain you have run the preprocessor and eliminated all error messages and made sure that the warnings are OK. Then, turn on the snapshot output file and look to see if the concentrations are 0.0. If they are, then zip up all the input files and send them to me.

My problem was due to a lack of understanding of the tsr plot options. I had set my output layer to -1.0 for all my water bodies, which seemed to suffice for all the hydrodynamic outputs, however, it was OK for the generic constituents. Setting it to 0.1 (which I interpret as being 0.1 m below the surface at any time) outputs the quality constituents appropriately. Sorry for any false alarms

Reading the User's Manual nearly always helps. :D