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Bathymetry Overlapping in W2 Control v3.1

I am having trouble with visualizing the bathymetry in the W2 Control. I have a total of 6 branches and 5 water bodies. My setup: WB1 and WB2 are linked together, and show proper orinetation with respect to one another. (i.e. the connecting branches are shown touching each other and the angles look good) WB2 is linked to WB3, however, they do not have the proper branches touching one another, and are situated right on top of each other. WB3 is linked to WB5, and WB4 is linked to WB5, both of these linkages appear correct (i.e. the connecting branches are shown touching each other). I have checked that my linkages in the w2_con.npt file are correct, and they seem to be so. I thought that perhaps my water body lat and lon was off, so I have tried playing with that, but found it to have no impact whatsoever on the W2 controls visualization. Are there any other places that I need to have something specified other than the bathymetry and the BRANCH G block? r.b.

Robert, Please send the file to me and I will take a look. Be advised that the preprocessor may or may not accurately represent your configuration visually. Tom