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Hi Tom. In my simulation I was considering only CBOD and not the particulated or dissolved forms of it. Now I decided to use also POM and DOM forms, because of the algal simulation, and I have a doubt. I was introducing the allochthonous inputs (in CBOD5 form) in the distributed concentration files and in the CBOD (5) measured in each branch by quality stations, in Cin files. Now I am considering that some of that CBOD5 measured was allochthonous and other part was autochthonous organic matter (I used a formulation that I found). In relation to the distributed concentration, the CBOD I was introducing I estimated it considering pollution sources (the most part human sources, like wastewaters discharges, industrial sources...). On the Cdt files I considered that the DOM and POM were 0. Do you think that is correct? I think that dividing the CBOD5 I am modelling more correctly (I can have a better control about the algal dynamic), although in fact I am just separating the different forms of CBOD5 I was introducing. Do you agree? Thank you very much. [addsig]

If you have measured CBOD values for boundary conditions, use them. Don't try and split this into the OM forms. The OM forms are used for autochthonous OM production, nutrient recycling, and DO uptake. This is why I put CBOD into the model so that you can use measured values rather than having to convert to OM.[addsig]

Ok. I will use the CBOD values measured and those I estimated. But a doubt stills. If during the simulation I want to see the values of the OM forms (DOM and POM), should I put those constituents ON but the values in Cin and Cdt files be zero?Thanks[addsig]

Turn on LDOM, RDOM, LPOM, and RPOM as state variables. Algae decay to these forms of OM. Turn them OFF in the branch and distributed tributary inflow concentration files (and any other constituent inflow files).[addsig]