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constituent flux output

I am trying to output flux information for PO4, NH4, and NO3 in various compartments. I have turned on the compartments of interest under cst flux (CFWBC) as well as turned on fluxes and verfied date and frequency output parameters. My output flux file (flx_wb1.opt) is still not being created. In the preprocessor output file, the Fluxes (CFWBC) listed under constituents appear to line up with the active constituents list (CST ACTIVE) rather than the constituent flux list (CST FLUX) from the control file. Is there an intermediate step I am missing where order of CST FLUX parameters are recognized? [addsig]

Please zip up the files and send them to me at the e-mail address listed on the website and I will take a look. There were previously some problems with the flux output and some of my fixes may not have gotten into the release version.[addsig]

I've had the same problem trying to output flux for the various DO compartments. Is there a fix I need to make it work? [addsig]

There is an error in the manual. Set KFLC to ASCII. Then look in the control file where you can turn ON/OFF the individual flux components and turn ON the ones you want to have output. We need to clean up the User's Manual. Sorry about that.....[addsig]

It took me a while to figure out that KFLC is FLXC. It's referenced both ways in the manual (C-96 and C-311). For others that might not be clear on this, in the manual on page C-96 it says that FLXC can be set to ON or OFF. You must set FLXC to ASCII to get output to a file named flx.opt. [addsig]

I turned on the flux for DO from algal respiration (DOAR) but my flux file gave me the flux for Epiphyte production (DOEP) which is not modeled in my application. The flux output file gave what the manual says should be DOAR the name Epiphpyte Production, source (kg/day). I turned on the DOEP which gave me the DOAR flux I wanted. I'm not sure if this is unique to my simulation or if others have also found this to be true.