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User Interface

O.K.-Really fundamental problem here. The pre-processor stops at "constituent control cards" and stops with a Visual Fortran run-time error saying "forrtl The handle is invalid." I am trying to run a model with just hydrodynamics and temperature, so I have OFF under CCC in the Constituent Computation card. However, the model keeps stopping at constituents, like it is looking for them even though I have turned it off. I think my fundamental problem is that I can't save any changes through the user interface, so I have been saving my changes on the text control file. Is it possible to edit in the user interface? I am using version 3.1. Thank you so much![addsig]

This is a new one (run time error message). Please zip up the input files and e-mail them to me at and I will take a look. Most likely you do not have the correct number of total constituents in agreement with the array dimensions specified at the beginning of the control file. Regarding the GUI, you have to click on apply and then OK in order to save any work that you do. I realize this is very unintuitive and cumbersome. This will be addressed in the future.[addsig]