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volume-area-(elevation or layer)

Hi The volume-area-elevation in the [pre.opt] file is not as it seems. It can only compute the volume-area-elevation for the None-Sloped branches. The volume-area-elevation that it computes for the sloped branches is not correct because it computes the volume-area-(layer not elevation.) My question is that how can I compare the volume-area-elevation table with the project table and adjust the widths as said in the manual? B.R. Hooman A. [addsig]

A volume-area-elevation relationship is normally only usefuol for reservoirs in which the zero slope assumption is appropriate (maybe also for estuaries). I can't imagine why you would need to compare volume-area-elevations for a river. This would be very difficult to accurately implement in the code. If you want to compare with observed data, you will need to set the slope to zero in the model, and develop the volume-area-elevation relationship in the prototype where the bottom slope has been reoriented so that the slope is effectively zero. Scott, any further suggestions?[addsig]

The model output of the grid information in the file pre.opt for the sloped bottom is based on layer # rather than elevation. The elevation is only a reference elevation at one end of the sloping grid. Let me know if that clarifies your question. Scott[addsig]