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npt file

Dear All:

I am a new user of W2 (1 week). For the input data, I just wonder how could I got the .npt file from .csv file? I changed the suffix but it doesn't sense for the model. Could anayone tell me which software/method you used to get the npt file?

Many thanks

Wang Kang


Hey there, You cannot simply swap suffixes from .csv format to .npt. W2 is written in fortran, and as such, uses a common length interpretation for reading in data (or something like that). Essentially, instead of using commas, W2 denotes a new column by a strict use of spacing. In every part of W2 that I have used, the spacing is always 8 characters. Read through the beginning of "Input Files" in the W2 manual for more information on this. My two recommendations are to either 1: Check through the W2 manual for using comma delineated formatting. I thought I recalled an option existing to allow certain input datasets to be CSV instead of the strict 8 character spacing. 2: If you are like me and are already too far down the rabbit hole, I use a package on R called "gdata". It has a function called "write.fwf" which outputs a dataframe and allows you to specify the alignment "right" and the number of spaces in each column "8". That has solved my problems for the most part. I believe this can also be done in excel, but I dont know how.