Currently I use Ver.3.72.
1) I know how to use RESTART option. However, I could not figure out how to get the big, specific output files for AGPM or W2-Post for the run starting from RESTART point. When I run the model by using the executable(s) of AGPM or CE-QUAL-W2, the model creates those big files for the first phase/run (before RESTART) only. So far I could not manage to have those files belonging to the second phase/run (after RESTART). Even if it seems those files are created (for the second phase/run), outputs of those files belong to the first phase only. Is there a way to do it? If not, that's my first wish in my list.
2) In the current model, we can define the pump period through the model run period. I wish the same option would be available for WEIRS/curtains.
3) We can define/simulate different ALGAE species with different rates and parameters in the current model. However, when we have more than one waterbody, we are not able to define different ALGAE species specific to each waterbody. Depending on the sceanrio, there may be several solutions to this in the current model involving more than one model run but can this feature be added to the model code so this (diff. ALGAE species for each waterbody) can be achieved in just one model run?
have you changed RSIC to ON