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Preprocessor error - cloud cover

I'm getting my first model going. Building it using W2i. Having issues with met file. Used pre-processor for W2 to diagnose the issue and it says I have cloud cover values which <0 or >10 for certain dates. However, I only have cloud cover between 0 and 10 in the met file. The preprocessor file indicates various values for each date where it says CLOUD = But these values are not listed in the string for these dates. Am I missing something critical here? If anyone can offer help that would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Kristen

Hi Kristen, It sounds like the met file may have formatting issues. Make sure each column is the correct width (8 spaces wide) and there aren't any tab characters. If your cloud cover number doesn't have any decimal points make sure the numbers are lined up to the right side of the cloud cover column. Chris

Thanks Chris, I ended up using the macro generator and it sorted this issue out.