I am trying to use the W2 GUI. I have my control file and my bth file processed and ready to go (via WMS). Read in another thread that WMS outputs bth files for an older version of CE-QUAL-W2 so I updated it according to the instructions in the thread (compared with an example bth file).
My control file opens fine in the GUI, but my bth file causes the program to crash. It doesn't even open...
If I go to "open" and navigate to the file, and double click, I get the following error:
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range
When I click the yellow BTH button:
Run-time error '53':
File not found
I have tried modifying the bth file as explained above or just using the file directly out of WMS. Both ways result in the same error.
Can anyone help?
Check all the components in the GUI