Hi, sorry this is not really a technical question, but I'm new to modelling, and I'm just wondered if anybody can give advice on how they've transitioned from the water balance stage to the temperature calibration stage using the water balance tool and distributed tributary (DT) file?
That is to say, when calibrating the water balance when you first start modelling should the wind shelter coefficient (WSC) be left at 1.0 (I'm modelling a reservoir and evaporation is quite important so is switched on) for the water balance, and the difference in flows to close the balance be adjusted in the DT file? Or if the WSC gives you a better result at say 0.8 should the water balance be closed with this (with less adjusted flows required in the DT file). I feel like adjusting the WSC is going into the sensitivity analysis of the temperature calibration, but my supervisor said the water balance is closed first and then you move on to temperature so it's almost two separate stages.
If calibration is ongoing, then have people re-calibrated and re-adjusted their DT files ongoing with the water balance tool as well when they adjust say WSC or inflow temperatures, or have their DT files stayed exactly the same from their very first run?
Not many modellers outside of W2 use something like the water balance tool, so it's difficult to seek advice.
Appreciate any comments, I'm so confused........thank you!!!
Re - Calibration with water balance tool
You are welcome Julie.