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Connect 2 water bodies

Hello, I'm a first user in this model. I'm making a model of two reservoirs in 2 different water bodies. The first reservoir is from segments 2 to 31 (active segments) and the second reservoir is from segments 34 to 47. Total IMX=48. I'm confused on how I link these 2 water bodies, I've been trying but with no success. In the reality, these reservoirs are connected by pumping, but there is no need to use this specific connection in the model. Can you help me with this please!!!! I'm confused about setting the UHS and the DHS. PLEASE HELP!! Regards, Alma

Hello Alma, you must set parameters: for BR1: US=2, DS=31, UHS=0, DHS=0 and for BR2: US=34, DS=47, UHS=-31, DHS=0 Jirka

Thank you very much for your answer Jirka, it was really helpful. I have another problem, when I try to open both bathymetries in W2, it appear an error that says "input past end of file". Do you know hoy to solve it? Because the model reads the bathymetries anyways, but it reads them incomplete because in the side view it doesnt show all the segments or layers. Do you know why? Thank you in advanced! Alma

Hello, I could figured out what was the mistake, I didnt notice that the number of layers for all water bodies has to the same!