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Water Balance

Hi Chris, I am running a model for 29 yrs. However, when I run the water balance.exe and the qwb.opt is created it displays the following characters after JDAY 9999.960. Is there a limit for JDAYs? How can I solve this? 10851.5 JDAY QWB 9999.500 0.00 9999.540 2.44 9999.580 7.99 9999.630 0.00 9999.670 0.00 9999.750 0.00 9999.790 2.19 9999.830 7.99 9999.880 0.00 9999.920 0.00 9999.960 -5.45 ******** 0.00 ******** -13.55 ******** 0.00 ******** 0.00 ******** 0.00 ******** 2.54 ******** 0.00 Thanks