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Problem with W2_IVF_MATFOR.EXE

When I run W2_IVF_MATFOR.EXE comes a screen where the temperature graphic should appear, but nothing appears, although the program is running the calculations. I'm operating with Windows Vista. Do I make some adjustment to view the graphics? Thank you.

Erich, Make sure that the parameter HPLTC is set to 'ON' for temperature in the graph.npt file. Also, look at the settings for the screen output cards in the control file. SCRC should be 'ON' for at least one of your water bodies, and the SCRD should be equal to or less than the time start date of the simulation. chris


Hi Chris, I am also having problems to visualize my output in MATFOR. I want to see GC1, TDS, U and NH4. The first two appear without any problem, but the last two appear with a uniform value in all the segments and with a color that corresponds to a negative concentration and velocity. I am doing trials in a very simple setup for a river (1 branch, 10 segments, and 5 layers). I have a tributary at segment 5 with high NH4 concentration. I've checked my timeseries files and the value for U is 0.06 and for NH4 from 0.03 to 0.3. Therefore, I am using HMIN HMAX equal to (-1 to 0.1) and (-1 to 1) for U and NH4 respectively. I have already checked the suggestions that you gave to Erich and they are ok. Can you give me some advice? Thank you

Hi Nancy, I tested CMIN for NH4 for one of our applications and it seems to be working ok. I would try reducing CMIN (to -0.1 for NH4), and setting CMAX to -1.0. The negative value for CMAX will permit automatic scaling. Do something similar for U. It's possible that the contour ranges that you selected for NH4 and U did not allow enough variation in color for the plots. chris

Hi Chris, Thank you! It worked. I can see my U and NH4 changing through my simulation. Let me ask you another question about this graph. I want to interpret how the grid is represented, mainly the y axis or layer #. The x axis in my case is from 0 to 16 representing exactly the number of segments in my simulation. On the other hand, the y axis (layer #) shows only values from 0 to 6 only 6 layers when my simulation has 8 active layers. In my simulation, the depth is different for my segments, but most of the time is higher than 7m (each layer is 1m, so I was expecting 8 layers in the graph). I have noticed that when the river has only one layer active it doesn't show up in the graph, so I think that maybe the last two segments are not been plotted. Do you know if I can modify the graph so it can show all the layers? Thank you

Hi Nancy, I wasn't able to reproduce the error you were having about MATFOR not plotting enough layers. One possibility is that the water surface can be several layers above the top most active layer #, particularly in river systems. The model includes the additional volume of water contained in these layers (between the water surface and top of the top-most active layer) in the volume the top-most active layer. A good place to look and see how many layers are being simulated is in the snapshot output. It looks like the layer numbering is reversed in the MATFOR contour plots, so a fix for that should be out soon. chris