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outflow problem

I am hoping someone can instruct me as to how to trouble shoot my model. It is not producing an outflow. I have one waterbody with an external upstream flow boundary condition and an external downstream head boundary condition as well as inflow from a tributary flow. The preprocessor indicates that the model is reading all files correctly and the model will run to normal completion, but 0 outflow is shown. The model does not have any structures, gates, spillways etc. Perhaps I require some other feature to correspond with one of my boundary conditions?[addsig]

Kim, I am unsure what the problem is. With an external downstream head boundary condition, the model will compute the flows based on the specified boundary head elevation at segment IMX as a function of the difference between the water surface elevation at IMX and IMX-1 (inside the domain). The outflow that is output is based on specifying structures/gates/spillways/etc. If you want to know what the flow is at segment IMX-1, you will have to specify segment IMX-1 in the time series output file. I believe this explanation is correct. Scott, any additions? Tom[addsig]

Thanks for the response, Tom. My knowledge of the model has jumped leaps and bounds since posting my question. I had come to realize that the model was producing flows correctly...and now you have confirmed what the outflow on the run screen represented. But I do have another appears that in the snap shot output file that units for Phosphate, Ammonium and Total Phosphorus are incorrect. Does this occur or am I missing some input in the control file?[addsig]

Kim The output units are specified in the file graph.npt - for the nutrients you mention the units are often set as mg/m3 rather than g/m3 since the concentration levels are usually very small. You can adjust that in the above file - keep in mind though that all inputs are always in g/m3 (or mg/l) - it is only the SNP output that uses the units specified in graph.npt (see the column CMULT). Scott[addsig]

Thanks Scott [addsig]