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CCC Flag

Do all the constituent values & flags have to be appropriately set even though the CCC flag is set to "OFF?" On lines 874 through 880 in "input.f90" the VERT_PROFILE & LONG_PROFILES are set to true if the C2I(.) values are specified (e.g., -2). CONSTITUENTS is set to "ON" in a preceding line.

Hi Ranjan, Apparently they do have to be set. I'll suggest a code change for the next update that tells the model to ignore constituent initial conditions for vertical and longitudinal profiles if CCC is 'OFF' I don't see where CONSTITUENTS is set to 'ON'. It looks to me like logical variable CONSTITUENTS will be set to 'TRUE' if CCC is 'ON'. Here's the line I'm looking at: CONSTITUENTS = CCC == ' ON' chris

Chris, yes, you can ignore my last sentence on CCC == 'ON'

Ranjan, The code has been updated so that constituent concentrations are not read in the longitudinal profile input file when CCC is 'OFF'. The new release is available at: chris