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new version 3.6

I've downloaded the last version, the calculus it's really fast! but I can't output the visualization like v.3.5. with Array Viewer; now I've tried to download the Tecplot trial software, but when I start to run ce-qual, the model animation does not appear. Thanks Marina

Marina, Within a few days we will make available the version 3.6 executable that will include the MATFOR visualization. The MATFOR visualization will show contour plots of temperature and constituents during model simulations in a manner similar to that of the array visualizer in version 3.5. Although version 3.6 outputs model predictions in format compatible to tecplot (this can be turned on in CPL file output section of the control file), it will not create tecplot animations during a model simulation. Hope this helps, chris

Ok thanks, then I'll be waiting; Marina

I'm running v36 w/ MS XP Pro (SP2) on Dell Precision Workstation T5400 w/ 8 Intel(R)Xeon(R)CPU E5430@2.66Hz processors w/ 3 Gb RAM and it runs extremely slow (6-8 hrs), tying up all available CPUs . v35 completes the same 550d run in about 5 min. Is there something I can do to improve this? Thanks!! DRG