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Array bounds exceeded

While running the preporcessor, I've modified the control file to clean the bugs, but when starts to run the bathymetry file it crashes, but at the pre prompts dos not appear the error, it only appears an error message, that says "forrtl: severe (161): Program exception - array bounds exceeded" I think that's a problem fof the bathymetry file but I can't find it. Do you have an idea of what's the problem? Thanks Marina

Marina, It could be quite a number of things. Make sure that the variables defined near the top of the control file are large enough to account for all the features included in the model. For example, a common error is to have a large number of structure defined in the structural withdrawal section (NSTR) but not have the variable NST (at the top of control file) large enough to account for all the structures. chris

Thanks, the problem was that I've generate a file with WMS and while solving the errors I put some tabs in order of shift... ;-) I've obtained some results now. marina