Hi everyone,
My observed data of chlorophyll a is in (mg/m3). i divided it by 67 and entered the resulting values in Vpr.npt. In the Cin_br1.npt file, i put all the algae values at 0.0. the model has only one branch, and only one algae group.
chl.a and algae appears as follows in graph.npt
....................CNAME.................. CMULT CMIN CMAX CPLTC #
Algae, g/m^3 1.0 -0.01 3.0 OFF 16
...................CDNAME.................. CDMULT CDMIN CDMAX CDPLTC #
Algal production, g/m^2/day 1.0 -1.0 5.0 OFF 12
Chlorophyll a, mg/m^3 1000.0 -1.0 10.0 OFF 13
Total algae, g/m^3 1.0 -1.0 1.0 OFF 14
the snp.opt shows very low values of total alage and algae1 (both in g/m^3). i am wondering if i had missed any unit conversion steps cause algae is not showing any growth and is very very low compared to the observed data.
can anyone give me some help/suggestion on how to input the chl. a values?
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