I have the model running to my reservoir but the w2.wrn file says the following "Water surface is above the top of layer 2 in segment 21 at day 1.000"
can you help me?
This is simply a warning to let you know that the water surface elevation is above the top of layer 2, which means that you are simulating a water surface elevation that is above the top of the computational grid. This may be okay, particularly if you have not completed the water balance. If you have completed the water balance and you are still getting this message, then you may need to add more layers at the top of the grid in order to obtain sufficient resolution. For example, if the water surface deviation [Z in the snapshot output file] is, say, -0.5 m and your layer thicknesses are 1 m, then this is probably not a problem. However, if [Z] is-5 m, then this means you surface layer is 6 m thick, which is probably not sufficient resolution to capture the location of the thermocline if you are modeling a deep storage reservoir. You have to decide. The warning message tries to ensure that you take a look to see if everything is copasetic.