I would first make sure all your input files are 'correct' - Run the preprocessor, prew2.exe 1st. If that says you have no errors - then the GUi should work OK. You probably have errors in your w2_con.npt file. Let me know what you find.
Your problem is connected to the number of constituents that you are simulating. It appears that you have specified more constituents to be modeled on the CONSTITUENTS card than you have included in the CST ACTIVE card. You have to ensure that you have included the correct number of NCG, NSS, NAL, NEP, and NBOD groups under the CST ACTIVE header.
thank you for helping me. The problem was resolved but
another one is taking is place. This time the pre-processor
stops in the 'Kinetic coefficients' and an error ms shows up
with the following
forrtl severe(157) Program Exception - access violation
Image Pc Routine Line source
prew2.exe 004ADC5E Unknown Unknown Unknown
prew2.exe 004A347C Unknown Unknown Unknown
prew2.exe 0042F17D Unknown Unknown Unknown
prew2.exe 004E23E9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
prew2.exe 004D2A8B Unknown Unknown Unknown
KERNEL32.DLL 77E837CD Unknown Unknown Unknown
If I'm asking a lot please tell me!
If it stops in the Kinetic coefficients, then you have a problem in your control file at that location. In some cases the preprocessor does not write a pre.err file if the error is severe, but check and make sure a pre.err file was not written out for more information. Compare your control file with the User Manual in the area of kinetic coefficients.
Another tip I usually use the GUI preprocessor. Open your w2_con.npt file in that and look at how it interpreted your input file. You can usually see where you have a problem when fields are all messed up....
Hope that helps
Happy 2003!
Hi Scott,
Thank you for everything. My problem is really in the kinetic coefficients and I had already been trying everything (I think!) but the problem persist (is the same problem of my last post 'Runing the pre-processor')
I constructed the control file "hand made" and run the PRE.
Open it with the GUI preprocessor and run the PRE.
Than I used the GUI to construct the control file and run the PRE.
Compared my file with the User Manual.
After all this, I even open the preprocessor source code file (pre_cvf.exe) trying to locate the problem.
In all cases the problem was detected and I think is related with the EPIPHYTE card. ( a pre.err file was not written out)
What can I do
Best advice is to send me your file and let me look at it. There was an older bug - which should be fixed in the newer downlaod that had a problem if the NEP=0. Try setting NEP=1 and see if it works. Try downloading the latest code...
Hope that helps!
I've downloaded and try to use the latest code version and
it worked but I didn't know why. I do have NEP set to zero.
I think it was that bug.
Thank you very much!