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inflows required?

Hi, I have a very simple system: 1 reservoir, 1 branch, 1 tributary inflow, 2 withdrawals. However, I keep getting errors associated with the inflows file. Does the model require an inflows file besides a tributary inflow file? The control file specifies: BR1 qin_br1.npt - not used The errors I get are: 1. in pre.err: "Could not open branch 1 inflow file qin_br1.npt - not used" 2. in pre.opt: gives maximum inflow of 0.00, but average inflow of 6.33 (I set inflow = outflow for all days): Water Balance Summary Waterbody 1 total inflows total outflows average maximum average maximum 6.33 0.00 6.33 26.71 Branch 1 Inflows total average maximum 6.33 0.00 upstream tributaries distributed tributaries average maximum average maximum average maximum 0.00 0.00 6.33 26.71 0.00 0.00 3. When I try to run w2_cvf, I get forrtl error "file not found qin_br1.npt" If I don't have any inflows except from the tributary, do I still need to define the qin files? Thanks! Trent Biggs

W2 expects an upstream inflow if the upstream boundary condition (UHS) of the branch equals zero. I assume in your application this is the most correct boundary condition. My approach to this would be to create a qin_br1.npt file and set all flows equal to zero for the length of the simulation.

Thanks for your helpful reply. The model is working fine with a faux qin.npt file... except now I'm getting constant PO4 and NH4 accumulation. I set PO4, NH4, all DOM fractions, sediment oxygen demand, and algae concentrations to zero, but I still get accumulation of PO4 at about 0.012 ppm/day. This leads to algae blooms and DO depletion...why might I be accumulating PO4 and NO3? Thanks again, Trent ps I'll see you at the workshop in June also!

I'm not sure why it would be accumulating if you have set all the concentrations to zero. Check that the constituents in the cin file are in the same order as the constituents which are turned on in the control file under CIN CON. Good luck. Nick ps I won't be going to the workshop this year