I am calibrating the model for a reservoir.At this time, I am trying to calibrate OD and simultaniously algae, BOD, NH4 e P. The waterbody has 3 branches and 2 tributaries. I know the initial concentrations for each one, since there are quality monitoring stations in it The distributed concentrations I have estimated then.I introduced the algal concentrations from the chla values that were measured. I run the model, and I do not have any significant algal production, excepting for few days in the summer, and the values calulated for the model to chla a are really small, compared to those one measured in the reservoir. I have already made analysis of the data collected, and I am in presence of an eutrophic lake. I can not understand why this is hapenning, since I do not have any limiting factor for algal grouth! I suspect that the distributed concentrations are probably to small, but I would like to see your opinion.
Another question is that I have the depths of the Secchi disc. When I try to put the EXC option on, the pre processor doesn
No algae growth at the upstream stations
one algae group dominating
Check your Si