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Initial Archives

I'm learning about W2. Need I create the archives "el_obs.npt" and "tsr_1.opt"? Are it text archive? Thanks Erich

Erich, You do not need to create el_obs.npt to run the model. Also, tsr_1.opt is a model output file, so you do not need to create one. chris

Ok Chris, But Balancewater.exe need these files to run, am I right? The example Gray does not contain these files. When this files are generated? Thanks

Erich, el_obs.npt is a water level data file that you have to create. The tsr file is a time series output file that is generated when you run your model. To turn on the time series output you need to set TSRC to 'ON' in the control file and specify some segment numbers, dates, depths, and frequencies for which you desire time series output. If you have not already done so, refer to the notes that come with the water balance package. chris