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WSC Error

I keep getting errors when my preprocessor gets to the wsc.npt file. I've been working on it for hours and can't figure anything out. Does anyone have any advice for the error below: Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 1.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 0.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 0.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 0.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 3 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 4 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 5 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 6 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 365.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 0.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 0.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000 <= previous date of 0.000 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 3 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 4 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 5 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Julian date 0.000: WSC AT SEG(I)= 6 <= 0.0 in wsc.npt Ending time 0.000 < ending simulation time [TMEND=2572.000] in wsc.npt I would appreciate any advice. Thanks

Looks like you may have a formatting issue in the WSC file. The way I have it in my files is to have an input value for each segment, no more than 9 segments per line, and at least values for two dates, one at the beginning of the simulation while the other at the last Julian date. See the section on Wind Sheltering Coefficient File in the user's manual. Hope that helps.

Thanks, that fixed it. I had more values in my WSC file than I have segments.