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Could not open bth.npt

Hi, I am trying to read in the w2_con and bth.npt files for the DeGray example in the preprocessor. When I try to check the files using the preprocessor it is generating an error "Could not open bth.npt". The bathy file is in the DeGray folder (I checked). Can anyone help? Regards, Ravi

Hi Ravi, I checked the download package and the Degray example seems to working ok with the preprocessor. Have you checked to make sure there isn't something running in the background (like the model executable or another preprocessor application)? chris

Hi Chris, I checked - there is no model exec/ preprocessor running in the background. I can view the bathymetry files in the preprocessor, but when I try to run a check I am getting the previously mentioned error. Ravi P.

Hi Ravi, Are you using the GUI when running the preprocessor? Or are you running the pre-processor 'prew2_ivf.exe', as a stand-alone? chris

Chris, I am using the GUI to run the preprocessor and check the input files. Ravi P.

Ravi, The gui should prompt you for the preprocessor executable and it should be placed in the same directory where your model files are - if this doesn't work I'd suggest double clicking on the preprocessor outside the gui for now. I haven't been able to replicate your error yet - what OS are you using? chris

Chris, My preprocessor is indeed in a different directory and pasting the prew2_ivf in the example files directory worked! Thanks for your suggestion. For future ref, my OS is Win XP. Ravi P.