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v3.6 - wind roughness height - Z0

Where should Z0 be entered? The manual says that Z0 is the water surface roughness height and is entered with Heat Exchange items after WINDH, as follows HEAT EXCH SLHTC SROC RHEVAP METIC FETCHC AFW BFW CFW WINDH Z0 WB 1 TERM ON OFF ON ON 9.20000 0.46000 2.00000 2.00000 0.0010 But the preprocessor provides an error message for this, as follows: Wind roughness height Z0 < 1.E-7 m Z0= 0.00000 FOR JW= 1 The DeGray example has it located as follows: HYD COEF AX DX CBHE TSED FI TSEDF FRICC Z0 WB 1 1.00000 1.00000 0.3 14.0000 0.00000 0.00000 CHEZY 0.001 The preprocessor seems happy when it is entered here and this is where the model appears to want it: READ (CON,'(//(8X,6F8.0,A8,F8.0))') (AX(JW), DXI(JW), CBHE(JW), TSED(JW), FI(JW), TSEDF(JW), FRICC(JW), Z0(JW), JW=1,NWB)

It looks like the manual is in error, and ZO's location in the Degray example is correct and ZO should be the last parameter on the 'HYD COEF' card. I will check with Scott and find out where he wants ZO to be. thanks, chris

Thanks! Jim

The manual has been corrected and the revised version is available at: chris