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Snap File Format

What controls which layers are printed in the snap file?

Art, The top most of active layer (also called the KT layer) down to the bottom most active layer of a segment are printed to the snapshot files. chris

Thanks, new question The snp lists constiuent tributary inflow concentrations for each timestep printed, it is in F8.3 format can this be changed? I am modeling coliform with the generic constiuent and some of the tributaries are Combined Sewer Overflows with concentrations in the low millions, the snp shows ********** instead of numbers can this format be adjusted, I adjusted the format in the graph file to F10.1 it did not change this part of the snp., it did change the format of numbers directly under the segment number when listing Gen3.

Art, Unfortunately no. To change the format of the tributary concentration in the snapshot file requires hard wiring the code. chris