I am evaluating the preprocessor output file and I am having trouble figuring out what the last few entries are. I was hoping that someone might help clarify these for me.
1. What does the table labled "Waterbody 1 Bathymetry [B], m" represent?
2. What is the "Water Surface [Z],". I am getting a value of -0.6 under a number 4. The number 4 is the same as my most downstream Segment Number. My water surface elevations are in the 120 m range, so I am not sure what the -.6 is.
3. I am noticing that in the table under "Waterbody 1 Initial Volume", that KT has been assigned to layer 4. Are the elevations in this table the top of layer elevations? If so, layer 4 goes from 117.84 to 119.87, but my starting water surface elevation "ELWS" is 121.92, which should put KT into layer 2 which runs from 121.90 to 123.93. I have tried different values of ELWS and I can see KT jumping to different layers, but I can't see how it is selecting the layer for KT.
preprocessor output B, Z and intial volume
Thanks Chris, that makes