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Hi! I've been looking to CEQUAL code, reading the manual, and still have an "existencial" doubt the epiphyton is computed only in the bottom or in all cells? Thank you very much, Joana[addsig]

Joana, Epiphyton are computed in all active computational cells. Tom[addsig]

Thank you very much! Perhaps my question is a little silly, but in that case, what's the difference between algae and epiphyton computation? Thank you again.[addsig]

Hi Joana, The big difference between the algae and epiphyton compartments is that CEQUALW2 simulates the transport of algae whereas epiphyton is assumed to be attached to sediments and doesn't move. The algae compartment is generally used for phytoplankton or freely floating algae and the epiphyton compartment is for attached forms of algae. chris[addsig]