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Print dissolved oxygen to spreadsheet file

I wanted to print dissolved oxygen to the spreadsheet file and the manual says "the Constituent Output card controls which constituents are output to the spreadsheet file" (C-86). However, the constituent output page (C-118) says "This card specifies which constituents are printed to the snapshot file [SNPFN], time series file [TSRFN], profile plot file [PRFFN], and contour plot file [CPLFN]. The user does not have control over which constituents will be sent to an individual file." I turned DO "on" in CST Print in the control file and it does print to the snapshot file, but not to the spreadsheet file. Does this mean I can't print DO to the spreadsheet file? Thanks.[addsig]

I just tested this on the DeGray sample application and DO is output to the spreadsheet file when it is turned ON in the CST PRINT card image, so I am at a loss as to what to tell you. Please test it on the DeGray example and let me know if DO is not output with the version of the code you are running.[addsig]

My apologies. I was looking at the wrong spreadsheet file. Dissolved oxygen is being printed.[addsig]