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define two structures

Hi, all, I have problem on model, I want to define two structures, One in the end of the water body and another in the middle of it. The model I've made shows both structures at the end of the water body. How can I solve this problem? Thanks

Hi, you must divide water body in two water bodies thus you'll have structures in the end of the water body. Jirka

Hi jarosik, I did the same, but in plan view of w2 post, The output of the wb1 is shown in the end of the wb2.

Hi, you mast check, if you have corect in control file "Branch G"(US, DS, UHS, DHS,..) Jirka

thank you jarosik, I also have a problem in calibrating the temperature data in part of location summary of measured data. My model has 4 branches, segments that are in branches 2, 3, and 4, are not recognized in the location summary. While in Branch 1, which is the main branch, all segments are correctly identified.

It looks like you have stil set up of "Branch G" incorrect. Check also "GRID"(NWB, NBR)

I also have this problem with a simple waterbody, a waterbody with two branch that I'm sure its data is presented correctly to the model. now tell me for the segment that are in the second branch, what is the equal amount of rm? And what information should be entered in the branch information of measured data. thanks alot for your help

Sorry, I don't know what you mean with amount of rm.