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Trapezoidal cells (TRAP)

When I run the model with the GRIDC=RECT the model works fine but the it crashes when I use GRIDC=TRAP. Is there a problem with this algorithm? I've checked the code the problems comes from a NaN value for the parameter "Z". In file "gate-spill-pipe.f90" / subroutine "GRID_AREA2" line 630.

I was having a similar problem. The pre-processor would give the following error: 'Waterbody grid [GRIDC(1)= TRAP] /= " RECT" or " TRAP" for waterbody 1' The model run would crash. I was able to get the pre-processor to recognize 'TRAP' and the model to run by deleting one space before TRAP. Three spaces before TRAP work (after "FRESH" in my case). I can't copy and paste here unfortunately because the forum ignores formatting. I hope this helps. Dan