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Vertical mixing factor with Hypolimnetic Aeration

Is the vertical mixing coefficient multiplier, DZFACT, from the w2_aerate.npt file working? I am trying to simulate hypolimnetic aeration in a reservoir and am seeing no changes in the model results as I change this factor from one to about 40. Aeration is turned on and increased oxygen can be seen in the hypolimnium but there is no mixing across the thermocline or changes to the thermocline as should be expected. Is there something else that needs to be done aside from turning aeration on and including this file?

The DZFACT only changes the DZ (vertical mixing) values for the layers between aerator top and bottom layer in the specified segment. ...... ................ ............ ...... DZ(KTOPA:KBOTA(I),IASEG)=DZ(KTOPA:KBOTA(I),IASEG) * DZFACT ........ ............... .................... .................... ................ ........ ............. .......... ........... .. Maybe you defined the aerator in a way that it only considers a few layers. Try to increase the KTOP to include layers in thermocline . It is a late reply but may help others in future.