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Dissimilarity in formulations

Hi, I have uncertainties in some Water Quality formulations. In page B-27 of the User's Manual, the constant Kar and Ker (algal and epiphyton respiration) in terms 'algal/epiphyton uptake' of the rate equation for Dissolved Silica are missing in the source code. This terms shall be very small but the formulations should be the same either in User's Manual and in source code. The same happens with term 'epiphyton mortality' (as a source) in both rate equations for LPOM and Particulate Biogenic Silica in pages B-9 and B-28, respectively. Can anyone check this? regards, Sandra[addsig]

Good point - we are looking at it now - Chris Berrger will respond to you soon on this issue. Scott[addsig]

Thank you [addsig]

Hi Sandra, Algae and epiphyton respiration of silica is left out of the code because silica is used to strengthen cell walls in diatoms and is not believed to be respired in significant quantities. The manual is in error and will be corrected. The fact that epiphyton mortality as written in the code does not contribute to LPOM and particulate biogenic silica is an issue, but since the effects of velocity shear and transport downstream of epiphyton are not presently simulated in the model the contribution of mortality to the LPOM/PBS pool in the water column is left out. In the future this source to LPOM/PBS will be added to cequalw2. Currently the loss of epiphyton to mortality is assumed to go directly to the sediments. There is a hook in the sediment section of the code which correponds to epiphyton mortality. The manual will be corrected to show that epiphyton mortality does not contribute to the LPOM/PBS compartments. Chris Berger [addsig]

Hi Chris, I just want to thank you for the reply. Regards, Sandra[addsig]