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I have what I think is a simple question. What does the Number of Structures "NST" on the INFLOW/OUTFLOW Card supposed to represent? Is it supposed to be the sum of all of the structures in the model, ie, weirs, withdrawals, gates, spillways, pipes and pumps? Or, is it for a different type of control structure other than what I listed above.

Thomas, NST corresponds to the total number withdrawal outlet structures for all the branches. Outlet structures (also called structural withdrawals) are defined starting with card N STRUC and through the structure width card (STR WIDT or maybe W STRUC). Structural withdrawals do not include pipes, spillways, gates, weirs, or lateral withdrawals. The number of structures in each branch is defined using the NSTR paramter. chris

Thanks Chris. Tom

i interpret this to mean that if i want to model a dynamic weir (ie. changes in stop log elevations wrt time), then i only need to fill out the gate cards and leave the N STRUC card turned off since there are no other structures or gates/weirs?