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Welcome to the W2 Discussion Forum

Hi All, Welcome to the W2 Discussion Forum. This is just a Test topic. [addsig]

Please check the CE-QUAL-W2 web page for updates to the code. The code can be downloaded from W2 Web site Scott[addsig]

Oi! I can't convert a V2 file to V3 using V2 to V3 converter. After I run the converter the following ms appears Input card out of order somewhere in the following cards SNAPSHOT LJPC UPRC WPRC TPRC DLTPRC IV OFF OFF ON ON SNAP SEG ISNP ISNP ISNP ISNP ISNP ISNP ISNP ISNP ISNP 2 4 6 8 10 11 12 13 14 After I checK the W2_con file I see no diference. Can you help me please [addsig]

Please send your old w2 Version 2 files zipped up to myself ( or Tom Cole at WES. It is hard to see the problem without the files at hand. Thanks ! Scott[addsig]

Thank you. I'll send you an e-mail with the files. Best regards, sandra[addsig]